Besides weight reduction, this diet can help you change your metabolism which can maintain your healthy weight, once you get in this the period of 90 days you can lose up to 39 pounds:
So if you’re not aiming for that much it’s recommended that you stop the diet earlier.
The flow of this diet is the following:
- Protein day
- Starch day
- Carbohydrate day
- Fruit day
- Water day
The 90 Day Diet Meal Plan:
Protein day:
Breakfast: your breakfast in the course of these 90 days should consist of pair of fruits for example, 2 pears, 2 apples, 2 oranges, or a cup of berries. You must be careful and not change the sequence of the days.
Lunch: your lunch should include boiled, or roasted meat, some slice of bread, and you can eat as much salad as you please. Make sure you eat your soup without the noodles. If you are not a fan of meat, try substituting it with 3 boiled or fried eggs. On the protein day, you’re allowed to eat cheese, or drink milk, but if you do, you must cut your meat and eggs to half.
Dinner: you should the same as you had for lunch, but half the portion and be sure you don’t eat any bread or soup.
There should be a pause of around 4 hours between meals.
Starch day:
Lunch: your lunch should include cooked beans, peas, rice, potatoes and you can add different spices, a slice of bread and a salad.
Dinner: eat half of whatever combination you had for lunch
Make sure you make a break of at least 3 hours between meals
Carbohydrates day:
Lunch: Eat some pasta with mixed spices, or a vegetarian pizza with ketchup
Dinner: This is your lucky day since you will be able to eat 4 cookies or 3 balls of ice cream and be sure you’ve a row of chocolate with 70 % cocoa.
Make a break of 3 hours between meals
Fruit day:
Lunch & Dinner: Mixed fruit for lunch and dinner.
Water day:
After a 29-day cycle, a day of drinking only water follows. You are allowed to drink unlimited amounts of tea and coffee. Once you finish the 90 days of the diet you can start eating normally, but keep the fruit in your breakfast. You’ll notice that in the next 3 months you’ll lose another 3 kilos, which is a sign that your metabolism is changing for the better.
Although it might seem a bit complicated the diet is really simple once you get used to it. The different products which are consumed during the diet have a special purpose in the proper functioning of your body. For example, chocolate stops allergies which might appear when you are on a diet and fruit will give you energy in the morning.
Note: Be sure you monitor your blood pressure and conduct regular blood tests.
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